Cannabis Legalization - What does this mean for homeowners ?
With the new cannabis legalization comes some VERY interesting points for homeowners. I will be participating in an extended education seminar series working with experts in issues related to remediation and cannabis cultivation touching on everything from insurance and mortgage risks to market stigma for real estate in Vancouver.
Disclosure when cannabis is grown in the home: This has Realtors in BC continuing to lobby for a province-wide remediation process, including the implementation of a five-step remediation process in which a home used for cannabis cultivation is discovered, inspected, remediated, inspected again and finally designated a healthy home.
I look forward to being available to have conversations with my clients about the potential implications of growing cannabis at home when it comes time to sell real estate in Vancouver. I will be ready to inform you of the risks to them as buyers if they are interested in a home where cannabis has been grown for personal use.